Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

A Letter for Someone

Alkisah hari itu, 1 jam terakhir sekolah, dan pelajaran mat yang sangat bikin otak, errrr. Dan tiba-tiba saja saya melihat sebuah buku di meja teman seperjuangan saya, Bryan adam.hahhah Dan entah kenapa buku itu seolah manggil" gue, akhirnya lahirlah mahakarya ini. so, this is it:


imysm, i know you don't care i know you'll never know. If i can make you happy once more... i love it when you smile because of me. But now just this that i can do for you:
*whisper 'i love you' when you didnt hear
*Pray for you, since the first time you asked me to pray for you, i always do it,trust me :D
*Force myself to remember how it feels, when we walked together, how you kept me safe on your side, how we hold each other, because i dont want forget anything about us, even every single things we've been through, when i know you don't even care anymore.

They said i must forget everything but for me its too sweet to forget, all the late night conversations we did, all those crazy things you said.i dont even know who are you anymore, everything become so diffirent. Hey, you never call my name again, do you know? i love it when you do that.
I've learned how to life without you, even i miss you sometimes. That long night, that i must cry myself so i can sleep well. Those broken heart even i can feel it physically. No, i'm fine, everythings gonna be fine. And now, let me just be your sweetest stranger ever.

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